
It can be helpful for Aspies or their relatives to find local people with similar experiences.

The author of this site will manually maintain a database of contacts.

If you sign up through this form, the following will happen:

  1. The author of this website will record your contact info and location preferences.
  2. As soon as there are multiple people from similar locations, he will send out an info email to all local people, asking if you are still interested, and what email address you would like to be shared to the rest of the group.
  3. All locals who reply with their preferred contact info will be addressed together with the visible email list so they can start coordinating for their first meetup.

No information submitted through this form will ever be disclosed to anyone else without your explicit consent.

    How can you be contacted?

    Where do you want to meet other aspierational people?

    Please list all cities that you would be able and willing to travel to for networking events, sorted by preference.